内蒙古中欧重型汽配有限公司位于西北城市-包头市,本公司是北方奔驰重型汽车、北方奔驰原装和改装奔驰重型车的最大的销售商之一,主要经营原装进口奔驰配件及北方奔驰配件。公司起步于1996年,至今已有10余年的发展历程,在国内外具有较高的知名度和信誉度,现已有8家销售分公司,拥有员工50余人,(其中本科毕业生20余名、专科毕业生10余名、技术工10余名),公司本着质量一流、服务一流的宗旨,以人为本、以质取胜、诚实守信、共同发展的经营理念,已具有固定的销售渠道和客户群体。 近几年公司销售额持续稳定,大幅度增长,同时我公司又开展了出口业务,让我们的产品也远销海外(出口的国家有阿拉伯、阿联酋等国家),至此,为了适应日益激烈的竟争环境,公司愿意在平等、互利、共同发展的前提下,广交各层面的朋友,共同为客户提供最快捷、更优质的服务。 通过公司领导以及员工的共同努力,公司将继续保持在同行业中的领先地位,励志把公司建设成为具有强大的自主开发能力为中型汽配行业的进一步发展做出更大的贡献。 Our company wholesale,retailsale,export all the spare parts of North benz and Mercedes benz.The domestic market is various cities retail merchant, the motorcade, the oil field as well as each scattered user, Overseas mainly is the middle east country (Syria, Saudi Arabia, Kenya, Iran, Dubai and so on), Mongolian country as well as Russia! We in line with the good faith first, the quality first faith accompanied the company to pass through 12 year management courses. The gaudy language said not much. Now we were surmising the good faith first place quality first place, the service first place idea welcome the home as well as the overseas various countries' customer comes to discuss the service! , |